The couple grow fond of one another very quickly and pledge their fidelity to each other. Their bond is quickly tested when it is discovered that Celestia's sister is with child, and that child has not been sired by her fiancé. Immediately the sister is cast out of the family and Celestia is whisked away to Europe for finishing school before her societal debut. The couple keeps in touch and hopes to rekindle their triste the following summer.
While Celestia does make it back to the Club, she finds that Peter is no longer employed there. She's had all she can take from her family and runs to the neighboring town to find him, leaving all she has ever known behind. Unfortunately for her, her timing could not have been more tragic. The Club lake was artificially made by a dam. Every year the townsfolk joke that it will give way during the stormy season. Sadly this does come to pass and the novel tells the tale of love, loss, survival, and destiny through verse.
Three Rivers Rising was in a phrase: an enchanting and harrowing tale. This book was historically factual in that the timeline and the most of the events actually took place on that fateful day in 1889. It's hard to believe the devastation that something as simple as water can cause, but in mass quantities anything can be deadly.
The characters were very representative of their time and station and I really found myself drawn to the lower class characters. The book is told by revolving narrators with the focus on Celestia and Peter, yet I found myself drawn to Maura and Kate much more. They were simple, ordinary people going on about their lives as best they could, when this tragedy struck and changed their lives irrevocably. A fascinating change to behold!
The writing was incredible! The verse and poetry of the words were both heart-wrenching and affable. Richards really captured the desire, desperation, and magnitude of this event in her narrative. I would say if you enjoyed The Sky is Everywhere, then you will enjoy this novel. Simply amazing.
Awesome review! So after reading that and meeting Jame I just have to pick this one up. Thanks for sharing.
What a fantastic review. I love the historical accuracy and the love story sounds like it has something with meat, not some of the ditzy teenage stuff I have been reading lately.
I can't wait to read this. It's on my To Be Read shelf. I'll push it up now that I've read your positive review. Thanks!
Sounds really good! Great review
Glad to have been of service to you all! I really appreciate the feedback too. :)
Oh I NEED this. I've never heard of it, but it sounds amazing! I loved The Sky is Everywhere too.
I'm a sucker for historical, and anything that has a romance in it I'm SO there....
Thanks for the heads up! I'd never know about this book if it wasn't for your blog. Cheers!
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