
Jan 27, 2014

Oh the times they are a changin'

Now, this is the story all about how
My life got flipped-turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there
I'll tell you how I fell into blogging despair

Catchy right? So, many of you I'm sure have noticed my absence and whether you mourned it or relished it, I'm here to apologize. I grossly underestimated graduate school, work, & my personal life. I thought that reading and posting would continue, maybe a little slower than usual, but I didn't expect it to stop completely. I am truly sorry for abandoning you dear readers and authors. For a long time now y'all have been a constant source of fun and entertainment & I have been so thankful to be a part of the blogging community. I still am thankful and I think it's time I get back into the swing of things.

I'm hoping to get a new background soon & the content of the blog will change slightly. Most notably will be the addition of movie/tv show reviews (which have been a wonderful source of entertainment & reward for completing homework assignments) & more personal posts. I don't read quite as much as I used to, but what I do read is still YA so look for those book reviews too.

I can't promise I won't relapse again. I can't promise anything really, but this blog was once a place of enjoyment for me and I want it to be that way again. So hold on to your hats & enjoy the ride with me!

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