NEW part of the Book Blogger Hop ~ Crazy Question:
Tell us about some of your favorite authors and why they are your favorites!
Ooo, I love this question. Hmmm... Mary Oliver's poetry inspires me like nothing else ever could. ("Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" ) Shakespeare obviously has a very special place in my heart. Rachel Vincent and Patricia Briggs create the most kick-ass heroines in urban fantasy! Stephen Clarke captures the essence of French life that j'adore plus que la mienne (I love more than mine)! Jennifer Echols & Simone Elekeles's books are amazing and powerful for young adult novels.I review mostly YA books with a definite slant towards paranormal/fantasy & realistic fiction. Historical fiction & prose work occasionally pique my interest as well. This week I reviewed Paper Towns & posted The Terrorist in my Nostalgic Friday feature. Be sure to look around, follow if you like, check out my reading challenge or grab my button! Comments are a pleasure too, so fire away!!
I'm planning a giveaway for my blogiversary on 7/30/2010.

Hey! Found your blog on follow friday. Love the layout! I'm now your new follower :)
Thanks for the follow! I reciprocated and isn't it just funny that we have the same layout? hehe!
Hello! Stopping by from the Hop/Follow. Hope you are having a wonderful time. :) I have to say you have a few authors in your favorites here on the post that I have on my list to get. :) Have a wonderful weekend.
Paranormal and Fantasy, my kind of reader. ^_- Love your blog header!
Coming in from the Hop.
-Shera (Book Whispers)
I am already a follower. I came from the hop to say 'hi' and to tell you about the Radiant Shadows giveaway at my blog. Hope you can stop by. Have a great weekend.
Hi! I'm a new follower stopping by for the Hop. I look forward to visiting again.
An Avid Reader's Musings
hi stopping in from the follow and now a happy follower. Come visit me at
I'm having my very first contest right now!!!
hi stopping in from the follow and now a happy follower. Come visit me at
I'm having my very first contest right now!!!
Hi. I'm a new follower from FF! Feel free to stop by my blog sometime!
Also, I'm starting a new meme on my blog, When I'm Not Reading
Hope you can participate sometime!
The Unread Reader
I've only read one of Rachel Vincent's books but Patricia Briggs is definitely one of my favorites :-)
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